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Software engineering talent shortage is a real issue in the current market.
Companies of all sizes have to compete with tech giants like Google, Apple, and Amazon, if they want a shot at top software engineering talent. A shocking 73% of employers reported having a difficult time finding skilled software engineering candidates. Though there’s growing evidence that the number of software engineers is expected to grow to 28.7 million over the next 5 years, so is the demand for tech jobs.
As you look to update your tech hiring process, first determine your company objectives so you can then determine your metrics of success. Are you trying to scale as quickly as possible? Consider measuring the total number of in-person introductory interviews and aggregate interviewing hours per hiring season so you can understand just how costly and inefficient your current tech hiring process really is. Regardless of who you are and what you’re trying to accomplish, staying on top of tech hiring trends is essential — and more importantly, urgent.
Employer branding and candidate experience are just a couple of factors that impact the signal that your company gives out to software engineering candidates. A majority (58%) of hiring teams believe new interviewing tools are shaping the future of hiring and making an impact on candidate experience. By engaging candidates at the right time and the right way with these new tools, you’re well on your way to creating a seamless and positive candidate experience.
What other tech hiring trends are influencing how companies hire today? About six times more hiring managers believe that agile team structure will become the norm — so trends in remote hiring and decentralization are increasingly becoming more prevalent.
Remote hiring trends show that 63% of companies now have remote workers and 6x more hiring managers believe agile team structures will become the norm. Before you can win at remote hiring, you have to nail down your tech hiring process first. Look for some remote hiring best practices you can implement in the infographic below.